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Air Sense Avionics Apprentice Program

Are you mechanically inclined?  Love working with your hands?  Love tinkering with electronics?  Love airplanes?

...but you don't have any formal training?


No problem!  Consider applying to our Apprentice Program.  We will train you from zero to hero while paying you a competitive wage!

Why Apprentice?

We get it.  Training can be expensive.  Professional aviation programs can cost thousands and take years to complete.  Holding down a job while going to school can be difficult.  This is why so many people with natural mechanical talent never pursue a career in aviation maintenance.  They just don't have the time or money to get the training and certifications required by so many aviation employers.

Wouldn't it be great if you could get paid to do the work you love, while getting trained on the job?  What if your employer taught you what you needed to know to earn your Aviation Electronics Technician certificate and endorsements that could lead to your holding an FAA Repairman Certificate?  What if you could build the hours and experience needed to challenge the FAA knowledge and practical tests to earn your Airframe and Powerplant Mechanic Certificate?  YOU CAN!


Air Sense Avionics has designed a program where you can get practical hands-on training, as well as the academic theory to earn industry-recognized government and professional certificates for a career in aviation maintenance technology. If this sounds interesting, read on!

Program Description

Our program is designed to take you from zero to hero in a well-paced, achievable way.  To do this, the program is divided into phases.

Phase 1: Introduction

Is this even for you?  We understand that airplane work is not for everyone.  Let's find out if you like it!  Join our team at an entry-level salary and learn by working alongside and under the supervision of our technicians and general manager.  Upon joining the program, you will be assigned a manager who will guide you and your learning objectives.  You will meet daily at the start and end of each work day to brief the day's work and discuss training goals.  You will quickly gain skills and practice them by performing supervised tasks on real aircraft.  After an evaluation period of 3 months, you and your manager will decide whether to continue to the next phase of the program.

Phase 2: AET Training

You will receive the Aircraft Electronics Technician textbooks and begin studying

at home in preparation for for your AET exam.  This is a long process that will take several months of hard work.  At the start, you and your manager will consider your time commitments outside of work and map out an achievable  schedule to get you through the academic portion of your AET preparation.  Considerable home study will be required. Daily check-ins and a discussion of the most recent study materials, as well as reviewing the chapter quizzes will assure accountability and guarantee your progress.


When you have thoroughly prepared the materials, the Company will pay for you to attend the Aircraft Electronics Association (AEA) convention, where you will take your AET exam and any endorsement exams you have prepared for.


When you pass your exam, you will receive a promotion and a salary increase!  Congratulations!  You are now a certified Aircraft Elecronics Technician!!

Phase 3: Repairman Training

Having achieved your AET certification, you are now eligible to get certified as an FAA Airman with a Repairman rating.  This government-issued rating will allow you to perform certain jobs autonomously, as well as supervise and sign off others for their work.  To function as a Repairman requires a thorough understanding of the FAA's rules and regulations regarding maintenance.  We will teach you this through regular sessions where you will read, discuss with and be quizzed by your manager on the regs.  When you are ready, the Company will petition the FAA and recommend you for the rating.  Upon receiving your Repairman rating, you will receive a promotion and a salary increase.

Phase 4: Building Hours

The next step in your professional certification is to earn your FAA Mechanic license with either an Airframe rating, a Powerplant rating, or both.  The latter is the venerable "A&P ticket", which gives you priviliges to work on any aircraft from Cub to Dreamliner.  We will get you through this!  To qualify for the A&P, you must first have logged a minimum of 1800 hours working on aircraft airframes or powerplants individually, or 3000 hours combined time working on both.  Besides hours, there are specific task and skill requirements you must meet.  We partner with other maintenance shops to get you that experience. 

Phase 5: A&P Certification

Once you have the necessary hours and experience, the Company will petition and recommend you to the FAA to challenge the A&P exams. There are three knowledge exams and two practical tests to pass in order to earn your license.


Once the FAA signs you off to take the exams, we will send you, (at our expense) to a renowned avionics school for two weeks of intensive study, where you will prepare for, take and pass each of the FAA written and practical exams.  You will return with your new A&P Mechanic priviliges in hand!  Successfully earning your A&P will result in your promotion and a salary increase.

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